Behold, the subject line of a recent email I received from InStyle 's senior style editor, Ali Pew, sent from the throes of spring 2017 New York Fashion Week: Vans are the new Stan Smiths.
The attached photo depicted Vestiaire contributing fashion director Kate Foley looking incredibly stylish in a pair of black Vans Old Skool low-tops, unpredictably paired the most fetching yellow dress. Further research (i.e. Googling) showed her in the shoes again, but this time around teamed with a billowy white dress ( above, right ). And since then we’ve spotted even more of fashion’s street-style set wearing the kicks, such as Hey Woman! creative director Veronika Heilbrunner (once with a chic black dress— above, center —and again as a tomboy counterpart to a pale-pink-themed ensemble— below ). Blogger Aleali May ( above, left ) is also getting in on the action, using hers to punctuate a neo-utilitarian look.

Time will only tell if this trend will indeed swell to the heights of Adidas Stan Smith reissue mania circa 2014, but we’ll be keeping our eyes out in London, Milan, and Paris. In the meantime, buy a canvas pair here for $60 (or here for $100 if you, like Heilbrunner, prefer leather).